Chicken Rollitini

Chicken Rollitini

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mid life Crisis?

Life is funny. It really is. Not always laugh out loud funny, sometimes more the isn't it interesting funny. I have been doing a lot of contemplating lately and have come to some realizations that strike me as funny (in the odd sense of the word).

Isn't it funny how if you choose a point in your past life and try to think of what at that point in your life you would have expected your now present life to be like, it has no resemblance to the life you are actually living. In my teenage mind, I suppose I would have pictured myself married with children at this point, but that is where the resemblance ends. I can't say whether I pictured it better or worse, just different. Because really, how much of being a wife and mother does a teen comprehend? Fast forward a few years and my 25 year old self, a newlywed and mother to an infant, I knew I would someday be the mother to that infant as a teen but didn't picture it like this.

Do you think that if we were able to accurately envision what our future holds we would continue on, or freeze in our tracks?

Isn't it funny how we may look in the mirror every day and see the same face, so the gradual changes don't appear as glaring discrepancies. Can you even picture your elderly self? How does it even happen? You look in the mirror every day and one day your skin is no longer firm and smooth, your hair no longer lush and shiny. You see an old picture of your partner and forget they ever looked so young. We forget the sweet voices of our toddlers as they deepen through the years. If videos and photographs didn't exist would we have an accurate memory of these precious images?

Isn't it funny how life can change on a dime? One day your are healthy and then next fighting for your life? You can be down on your luck, standing in the unemployment line and win the lottery. The thing is, we never know. We do the best we can to ensure our health and secure our future but ultimately it is not always in our control.

It probably sounds like I am going through a mid-life crisis. Maybe I am. Mid-life being the perfect time to look forward and backwards and contemplate. Mid-life being the perfect time to pause and soak in the wisdom life has given us before moving forward to whatever life will present.

1 comment:

  1. All so very very true and something to think about. It just goes by so quickly and taking the time really does matter. No mid life crisis but refections and you can have those whenever you feel the need!
